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"There are clubs you can't belong to, neighborhoods you can't live in, schools you can't get into, but the roads are always open." - Nike

Monday, August 22, 2011

C25K Week 2 Day 1 went better than expected!  The run times have started to increase... by 30 seconds this week and I am feeling the burn!  I have however noticed that my endurance is already improving and that I am not ready to quit after each run interval.  I am finding myself wishing the training session was longer than 30 minutes.  I also weight trained my legs today using the leg press, leg curl/extension, hip abductor machine, and legs-glute press.  I am trying to build up the muscles and tendons/ligaments in my legs and legs to prevent injuries.  My legs are burning in a good way now just a few hours later....  like they say, "No pain no gain."  Pretty excited to get back into the gym tomorrow and have another solid workout.  I will say that I sat in the sauna for about 15-20 minutes afterward and I believe this helps prevent my muscles from being as sore.  I may have to include this into my workout routine... even if it's only 10 minutes.

On a different note (but still dealing with health), those of you that know me, know my dad passed away my senior year of high school from a horrible disease called ALS (Lou Gherig's Disease).  We watched him suffer for almost 3 years... until he was paralyzed, couldn't talk or communicate, and was bed ridden... pretty much a perfect mind trapped in a body that wouldn't move because the muscles had frozen and deteriorated.  Just try to imagine a fully functioning mind in a non-working body.  Anyway, that is just a little background...  I read an article today about advances and a discovery in the fight against ALS and just wanted to share the information.  This makes my heart happy to know that there are some advances being made.  Hopefully fewer people will have to suffer in the future from this horrible disease.   Here's the link:


My Hero.

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