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"There are clubs you can't belong to, neighborhoods you can't live in, schools you can't get into, but the roads are always open." - Nike

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

C25K Week 8 Day 2

Today was day 2 of week 8 and I can NOT believe that I only have 4 workouts left in the C25K training program!  The past couple of months have flown by and I can see so many changes in my body now.  I definitely want to keep going and improving on my running skills.  I love this sport.  All you need is a good pair of running shoes and you're set.  What other sport can say that?  My endurance level is also so much better.  I can run 28 minutes as of now and not feel winded!  I felt miserable after 1 minute running intervals in the beginning, so yes, this program totally works.  My legs are amazing now too and i love that.  The only issue I am having is my legs start to feel tight in the last 5 minutes of my run interval even with stretching.... so I have to figure out a way to prevent this.  Other than that, i feel awesome and so energized!  The runner's high is definitely worth any pain or discomfort during the run.  Besides, pain is weakness leaving the body, right? :)  As soon as I finish up this program, I will be moving on to 1/2 marathon training and all of the new challenges that come along with that... excitement and nervousness.

One last thing.... my friend introduced me to this product.  I told my husband about it last night and of course he went out and bought me some.  <3 him!  Any girl with boobs knows, that your arms can get chaffed from rubbing against the seams of your sports bra.  This stuff is a lifesaver.  Just a tip for any fellow runners... good on arms, legs, feet (to prevent blisters), anywhere that has friction!



  1. Where did he find it!? I looked everywhere I could think of when I lived there and couldn't find any! I was going to order it on Amazon! lol And Yay! Only 4 left! So proud of you! You're doing great and better than me! lol :) BTW....I will be down next week! Maybe I could meet you for a run? I will have Sophie and a jogging stroller...But it would be fun to run at that place by the soccer fields again! :)

  2. He found it at Academy here for about $8. Thank you for the encouragement :) It really helps having fellow runners to support you through it all. You will get there too!! You have a baby... if I had a baby, I doubt I would be working out as much as you are! What days will you be here? Let me know and maybe we can meet up. :) Love ya girlie!
