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"There are clubs you can't belong to, neighborhoods you can't live in, schools you can't get into, but the roads are always open." - Nike

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

C25K: Week 1 Day 2

Tonight was Week 1 Day 2 of the C25K plan and it went well.  Unlike day 1, I decided to take my run outdoors instead of at the gym.  I enjoyed it much more too.  Being outside in nature instead of stuck on a treadmill is much more calming...natural... and enjoyable to me.  The only issue is how hot it is in Texas right now.  I either have to go early mornings or at night and me being a night owl... that is the only option for me.  I am not waking up early to exercise.  I know me and I will not stick to a morning routine.

The first few minutes were rough, but I stuck it out and now I feel amazing!!  I think I enjoyed it more even without the A/C like in the gym  lol which is a first for me for sure!  I am pretty excited to see how this 5K training program progresses from week to week and am so ready to see my progress and my endurance get stronger as I go.  I am hoping to actually enter my first 5K by the end of this year or early 2012.  

I also have started a new book that I am enjoying so far...  seems like a good and informative read too

I am also really enjoying my new arm band for my iPhone.  It keeps it from getting wet and it's fitted so the phone doesn't fall out.

Quote of the day:

"If you want to become the best runner you can be, start now.  Don't spend the rest of your life wondering if you can do it."
~~Priscilla Welch~~


  1. I know I'm a little behind on this...but I enjoyed the Book Born to Run...You should look it up! It's pretty good! :)

  2. Thanks! I will check that out!! You know I am a reader. :)
